Then I heard of Everlane, a company that promotes transparent costs while producing basic apparel items with good design in soothing hues. I was immediately drawn to the idea of breaking down the cost and telling you clearly what the markup is (40%) and where your shirts and tees are made.
The comparison between J.Crew and Everlane is the perfect example of the coming era of E-commerce. J.Crew started as a catalog ordering apparel company with closet staples in multiple colors, they opened brick & mortar stores as more people like the style and later added the website for convenient online shopping. Brands like J.Crew followed the traditional retail path while more disruptive brands have the opportunity to be born in the golden age of E-commerce and start with a clean slate.
While J.Crew struggles to identify customers like me and connect all the touch points together for integrated marketing, Everlane did everything through digital media: transaction emails like order confirmation, shipping notification and return processing as well as tailored marketing emails, social media platforms that seamlessly promote new product arrivals and highlight featured customers. Since everyone has to have an account to put an order online, it is much easier to track where the marketing dollar goes and manage inventory count better.
Granted, I still shop at J.Crew and I enjoy going to the store and simply browse. I don't think brands like J.Crew will be replaced by Everlane because it has a much bigger audience and a much diverse selection of products, however making the right choices - improving and upgrading IT infrastructure, CRM system, etc - to prepare for a more digital shopping experience should be a top priority for fellow retailers.
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